Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just the other day there was poetry day.  We had to select a poem or two that we either liked or wrote ourselves. I chose Yeats "Who will go with Fergus" to read to the class.  I enjoy that poem for the fact that it explains that in order to find greatness you need to be able to leave what you are comfortable with and lead you to unexpected heights.  Though there was some hand written poetry that I believe was just amazing.  Especially the one from Jordan and how there was a hidden meaning behind the first poem she read.  The title of the poem made me think that the poem was just describing a rose, but after another read through and someone else's wits to come up with the answer of it being a tattoo (of a rose)!! So that counts for half credit right.  Being able to hide that original first image that the title gives you into a poem about the opposite was amazing.

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